Dipl. Übersetzerin Marie-Luise Fricke

ttt - Sprachdienstleistungen



> Translations

Bescheidenheit ist eine Zier, doch weiter kommt man ohne ihr.

Ce n’est pas la mer à boire.

Consejo de oreja no vale una arveja.

Der Apfel fällt nicht weit vom Stamm.

Qui tient l'anguille par la queue ne l'a pas encore.

Al más ruin puerco, la mejor bellota.

Need a translation?

It is not for nothing that translating and interpreting is considered the second oldest business in the world.

As mediators between languages and cultures translators facilitate communication and thus help ensure establish business relations, contracts, purchases, corresponde and many more.

As a graduated translator I can offer you expertise, quality,

reliability and on-time delivery with translations,

terminology work and proofreading.

Currently, I specialise in medical translations, but I also dispose

of expert knowledge and terminology when it comes to various areas of expertise and I am happy to quickly obtain knowledge

regarding other fields of activity.